My custom built ART Apparel from the very beginning in 1996 was first created using my very own Rave T-shirts.

I took a risk. Some loved, many hated. It confused and baffled.

I’d created a nEW WHY…

My Custom Builds are a supremely high value product.  They are unique pieces from sustained sports textiles and high fashion brands.


The Noki Custom Build is very intensive

from finding the garment to building in its Individual customisation technique

Each piece has its own exceptional points of reference

from  graffiti pen, hand stitching, kaleidoscope overlocking,  fade out screen printing (look out for those artist fingers prints that appear in odd places during that intense application) to random tabs and NHSt labels

CLASHing & Battle collaging 

with the subverted, re-appropriated sports brand labels.

Needless to say your Noki piece is lovingly adorned.


It waz a very subversive art act back then in the late 90’s.

to culture jam the branded Rave t-shirt to make it read into a different narrative meaning

Let alone sewing multi National opposing brands together to make a new, one idea called a NOKI…

It waz A fresh approach

from the rather boring corporate ident approach,
that is mass produced 4 us to wear out into the landfill

I’d been wearing these brands since my first acid house Rave in 1988. It was and is still the uniform!


I wanted to Rave in a whole New ‘freedom uniform‘

Noki is about positive Change 

A seamless Evolution bypassing the consumer Revolution we have been subjected to over the past raving 30 years. 

Personally I’d just decided enough was enough about giving up my own body as corporate ‘Billboarding’ … 

I wanted to question that, to understand what I’d become?

An original 1988 raver of the next truth Freedon revolution. 

I’d just got bored and wanted to get DADA art & flip the brand and mash up my Rave Wardrobe to create some super high tribes ideas, the  corporate designers could not create 4 me to consume.

I had a massive desire to satisfy my brand addiction in a Brand new way

And that was to cut into them and Mash up a new hyper hyper version

I Became the trippiest apparel raver in the early Shoreditch raves putting on art installations, always wearing my Noki SOB mask.

I’d now become The King of Rave Customisation

I’d found an alternative way and it was sustainably working. 

25 years later I’ve evolved my own Noki Custom Built, Street Couture style

So this shop was created so you can enjoy that Freedom uniform in your own sustained Mash up Rave way...  


to culture jam the branded Rave t-shirt, to make it read into a refresh narrative meaning



NOKI is about positive change